Become one of our value and trust network advertisers

Target over 185,000 of the Newest Homeowners in Phoenix & Tucson

Become one of our value and trust network advertisers

Target over 185,000 of the Newest Homeowners in Phoenix & Tucson

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For 14 years in Phoenix & 5-years in Tucson Welcome Home AZ Magazine has Delivered Value to 185,000 the Newest Homeowners & Results to our Advertisers! We have Welcomed over 1-million new homeowners to their new home.

Welcome Home AZ targets ONLY new homeowners! All of these people are new to their neighborhood, and most are new to Arizona. They are all looking to establish new relationships with companies they can trust!

Our Look

Welcome Home AZ is a full color magazine, printed on gloss paper, giving your company the quality look, it deserves. It is direct mailed to owner occupied newer homeowners and eliminates investor properties.

Our List

We work with a local list compiler who is able to gather to most accurate data on new homeowners in Arizona. Each month we update our mailing list, adding the newest homeowners to the list and dropping the oldest off the back end. We mail only to owner occupied homeowners and exclude the investor and rental properties.


New homeowners receive a copy of Welcome Home AZ Magazine shortly after moving into their new homes and every 4 to 8 weeks thereafter, for up to 2 years. Frequency has been the magic of Welcome Home AZ magazine; because we deliver to new homeowners multiple times, they receive the magazine up to 24 times before they fall off the mailing list.

Proven Results

Over the past 12 years, we have delivered value to the newest homeowners and results to our advertisers… This is why nearly 80% of the advertisers who were in our first edition, in October of 2010, are still advertising with us today! We have mailed over 9 million copies to over 700,000 of the newest homeowners and collectively these new homeowners have made over 120,000 phone calls to Welcome Home AZ advertisers and thousands of projects have been completed by companies they can trust.


Mailed to 135,000 of the Newest Homeowners 12 times with 3 Zones of up to 50,000.

*2025 Mailing Dates:

January 13th – closing January 1st

February 10th – closing January 29th

March 10th – closing February 26th

April 7th – closing March 26th

May 12th – closing May 1st

June 9th – closing May 28th

July 7th – closing June 27th

August 11th – closing July 30th

September 8th – closing August 27th

October 6th – closing September 24th

November 3rd – closing October 22nd

December 8th – closing November 26th

*Mailing dates subject to change


Mailed to 50,000 new Homeowners 8 times, plus additional distribution at Tucson Home Shows.

*2025 Mailing Dates:

January/February– January 20th closing January 8th/p>

March/Home Home Show- March 3rd closing Feb 24th, plus, additional distribution at Southern AZ Home Show – March 28th -30th

April 14th– closing April 2nd

May 19th– closing May 7th

August 4th– closing July 23rd

September/October AZ Home Show- September 23rd– closing Sep 10th, plus, additional distribution at Southern AZ Home Show – October 3rd -5th

November/December – October 27th– closing October 15th

*Mailing dates & home show are subject to change